
Paper Ready

  • Paper Ready:
  • Desktop Application

Paper Ready is a desktop application-software.This software generate ojective type question paper easily and reduces DTP work.
One time upload and life time download.
You can upload thousand of questions that will be stored in database,which you can use until and unless you delete it.
4 simple steps to create paper =>
(1) Upload Question and save it to database.
(2) Select appropriate subject and chapters to generate paper.
(3) Select method to create paper - automatic/manual and click for proceed.
(4) Provide details for examination and click generate paper.
Your paper will be generated easily with proper formatting. Also answer-key and solution will be available exactly after questions.
User can create new paper in three ways -
1. Chapter wise :- In chapter wise , user can select only one chapter from a single subject
2.Subject wise :- In subject wise, user can select number of chapters from one subject only.
3.Mock Test :- In mock test , user can select multiple chapters and multiple subject to generate paper.
After selecting category procced to create paper. User has two option for creating paper -
1. Automatically - User only need to provide how many questions should be their in paper.
2. Manually - User need to select question individually.
To take some important question,'filter' option is available to sort a single question from thousands of question.
After finalizing all questions,just click on proceed button.
User can rearrange sequnce of question and subject. If user want particular subject questions comes up.Their is a facility to rearrange both subject and questions.
Fill the details of paper such as paper name , paper date and time.Total duration and marks of paper etc.
And click to generate paper.Your actual paper will be display within few minute with proper format and with its answer key , solution
Now save this paper and use it for lifetime as this paper will be stored in database.
If user visit saved paper option.All the papers genrated and stored in database are available to print again.No need to choose chapter and question again.If you wish to create paper on same chapters after long time.

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